The Old House


The Old House

The old house was old
older than it could remember
the souls who built it
long gone
children’s toys scattered about
everything there as they had left it.

Now the roof was half caved in
the smell of mildew and defeat
permeated the grounds
as the rain soaked wood
expanded painfully.

The old house dearly missed them
groaning and creaking-
it was almost over
the house thought.

Just then…
footsteps on the porch
as a fawn and its mother came inside
birds made nests in exposed rafters
as small animals followed
finding shelter.

The old house had found a new purpose
and happily settled for it

© Rebecca Sanchez 2017

Change doesn’t always happen when we expect it or is how we expect it to be but don’t be afraid because change brings new things into our lives.

Written with Poets United.

14 thoughts on “The Old House

  1. Taking back the land and all its alterations offers a fine story, indeed. I love to think of the house growing and learning as it settles more and more back into nature. This is almost SciFi. Remember the story “Then Will Come Soft Rains” by Ray Bradbury? It’s an oldie but goodie.

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