Easter Wishes


Easter Wishes

I have a special wish for you
dressed in your Easter finest
I hope for you good things to come
and blessings of the kindest.

The eggs are hiding in the grass
our baskets by our side,
“Oh look, I’ve found an Easter egg!”
I heard you cry with pride.

Now baskets full let’st’s celebrate
with candy, eggs and cheer
enjoy your Easter Sunday
hold your friends and family dear.

© Rebecca Sanchez 2014

This picture was taken of my brother and me on Easter of 1963 in our living room in Michigan City, Indiana before church. That hair! Look at those legs I was a real Tomboy growing up.

My mom always got us new clothes for church on Easter and often made them herself. She made both of our outfits that year I loved that dress and apron. Good memories here!

Happy Easter Sunday to all of my fellow poets at Poets United! This isn’t linked to Imaginary Garden Of Real Toads or dVerse~Poets Pub but this is for all of my friends I write with.

20 thoughts on “Easter Wishes

  1. Ah, Bekkie, thank you for sharing your memory in poetry. Seems all of us used to dress in our finest for Easter. I know I always had a new dress as well. That photo is priceless! Where does the time go!!

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