A Few Choice Words


A Few Choice Words

Dreaming of finished work
and waking up to a blank page
the wordsmith wonders
can she do them justice?

Stanzas fueled by nicotine
crafting syllables into emotions
evoking unfamiliar feelings
while discovering new words.

Coffee rings on the desk
making a daisy chain of sorts…
Finishing a particularly nice couplet
a literary work of rhymes.

Or not.

© Rebecca Sanchez 2018

I animated this image from Google search.

Written with my friends at Imaginary Garden With Real Toads. I, like Magaly, like to write more than poetry. On Postcard Fiction I write flash fiction (short stories that use the reader’s imagination) and on Bike With Bekkie, I write regular blog stories about health and such. Then I have 2 more sites (one private) where I write occasionally. Words and bicycles are my main pursuits these days.

This prompt spoke to me because I love words and the satisfaction they bring me whether read or written. Yet I think we all wish we could write a few choice words from time to time.

Words are so cathartic, cleansing, entertaining, and yes, healing.

27 thoughts on “A Few Choice Words

  1. kaykuala

    Beautiful writing Bekkie. Both Magaly and your goodself just plainly have that special talent in crafting your words into such beautiful writing.Thanks for extending the privilege.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the coffee rings, too, and the realness of dreaming about a perfect phrase and waking to find it gone. I have scrambled from bed many times with a phrase drifting just out of reach. Drat! Your life of bike rides and words sounds perfect to me!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And your life of beaches, wolf dogs and nature walks on that beautiful island sounds great to me. Lol! What’s that song? “We don’t know what we have ’till it’s gone.” Joni Mitchell I think. When I’m biking so many good things come to me but by the time I stop to jot them down they disappear. What can I do, I’m getting to that age…lol!


  3. I love those coffee rings, and all other adornments that tell the tale of a writer who loves to put her space to good use. I also love that you, too, enjoy writing all sorts of words… These days, I find myself missing a fiction writing prompt site similar to the Imaginary Garden–with other writers who really enjoy fiction, and with prompts that are not so constricting that they take away all the fun.

    Words are everything. Thanks so much for yours, Bekkie.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I never knew about the Imaginary Garden that sounds like a lot of fun! I’ve been in groups in the past where we had prompts and people wrote poetry or stories and quite a few wrote short fiction it was always good. I miss that too. Someone should start a site like that again. We had music prompts (no words), picture and word prompts. Some of my old stories are from those days. Love writing with you all these years, Magaly, it’s really special.


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