Under Summer Skies


Under Summer Skies

Under summer skies we played
fair and blue on Warrington Lake
we jumped in waters stained with clouds
swam through lily pads out to the raft
leaped into the cold and deep
muck sucking at our feet
while fish nibbled at our white skin
giggling and screaming all the while
of course, someone would always cry
later on forgetting why
for memories are always kind that way
when the family meets for summer play.

Hiking ’round the lake for fun
picking winterberries and wildflowers
while watching for bears
changing clothes with biting horseflies
lake perch that grandpa caught
with bread and fresh blueberries
this and more I do remember
wonderful times I’ll treasure forever
for memories are always kind that way
when the family meets for summer play.

© Rebecca Sanchez 2018

Thank you, everyone, for the summer skies and fun back then! Love always, Bekkie

Written for my family (you know who you are) in memory of my cousin Jay Banasyznski who passed away recently. I was happy to see him 2 years ago at the wedding after not seeing him for 40 plus years. When I think of him now I picture him as an always smiling big kid, like when I last saw him most.


Jay really hasn’t changed much here. Jay (left) and Uncle Gene (right) at the wedding. I took the picture of Warrington Lake on this visit to Uncle Gene’s place. Love you.

Written for the prompt summer with my friends at Poets United.

Haibun #2717


haibun #2717

Late in winter biking by
I heard a piercing skyward cry
I saw a large bird in the sky
an eagle looked me in the eye
I stopped a spell to watch it fly.

As I continued on my way
along the San Francisco Bay
the waters being calm that day
I watched the shorebirds interplay
stalking the waters for their prey.

the snowy egret
serves dinner
with a splash

© Rebecca Sanchez 2017

I talk, write and live bicycles because it’s made me so healthy and happy. I ride my bike from my apartment to the San Francisco Bay Trail every other day. This is an area of woods, natural harbors, wetlands, tidal pools and all the creatures that live there. I often take photos and write about them like today.

The photographs (3 frames) were taken by James Graham (my roommate) and animated by me.

Written with dVerse~Poets Pub for Haibun Monday and shared with Imaginary Garden Of Real Toads for The Tuesday Platform. I see no reason why a haibun can’t rhyme, is there one?

Fish Heads


Fish Heads

Fish Head Sale-
there she was under glass
her large puckered mouth
begging to be kissed by lemons
tasting of brine salt
could dry up a man’s mouth
in mid-sentence.

She was cold as a fish
but lovelier than thou
in her scaly sequins
she looked tasty
but she would only be good
properly seasoned.

© Rebecca Sanchez 2017

A poem with 55 words exactly.

Written with Imaginary Garden Of Real Toads and Saturday’s Image Write.