


My heart breaks when I watch what’s happening in the world today
we have truly lost our minds in America letting ourselves be treated like cattle
being herded in whatever direction the political wind blows
we’ve given up, even if it leads us to the slaughterhouse
the invisible lines that separate us are turning into Trump-like walls
our history has taught us nothing as racial tensions separate us further respect for the people that protect us is gone, replaced by mistrust fueled by violence and ignorance
men are still in power pushing their sexual agendas on their victims
keeping women under their thumb as they get less pay for the same jobs
the house and senate don’t care about the people’s will, it’s all about their own agendas
our government is corrupt, greedy and we let them get away with it
cell phones have invaded the earth and people are transfixed by them
social interaction online has taken the place of real friendship
growing homeless camps are ignored and tolerated rather than helped
we think we’re paying taxes for a good cause then the money is spent elsewhere and we’re taxed for it again
although half of the people living now are 65, they can’t work because the jobs are given to younger people
they face higher costs for living every year while the retirement age goes up and benefits get cut
we pay a fortune for insurance many going without when other countries have health care for all
even with insurance many go without glasses, dental care and more
simple kindness and decency seem lost while our jails and prisons open their doors letting felons out for good behavior
we are losing touch with each other and we don’t know who to trust letting fear paralyze us
it’s difficult to know how to proceed when the psyche of countless people in our country are bruised and we’re bleeding out
I did as I’ve been told the system has let me down and I feel taken advantage of.

Some believe the soul is immortal, even so, our bodies are limited
we’re only here once and should be enjoying what this wonderful planet has to offer
instead, this is what we sow, this is how we spend this precious time
we vote and hope for a better life only to be fed fake news and tricked into submission
country against country, race against race, religion against religion-it never ends
right now, children are starving, being raped and abused, put into slavery, taught to shoot guns and carry bombs
my heart breaks when I watch what’s happening to the people of this world,
when do we say, how do we say,

© Rebecca Sanchez 2018

I’m a fan of brevity in poetry but this poem practically wrote itself and could have been longer. I don’t pretend to have the answers but I do know these things are going to take more than time to get better. History will show that’s usually through violence and war. We need to be strong and make ourselves heard through numbers.

Written with my friends at Poets United for the prompt psyche/soul. I animated the artwork.

Danger Jargon Junction


Danger Jargon Junction

The gandy dancer inspected
the empty track ahead
seeing emeralds all the way
signaling the okay.

The crew expecting eight and sand
a normal run for hospital train
stuck with sisters for overhaul
left receiving the high ball.

Hobos climb the running boards
ride the deadhead line for free
going through dark territory
drunken lads reliving glories.

The bull and cinder dick
instead of on the watch
were busy going to beans
arguing in the canteen.

Treachery on the bridge ahead
caused to dynamite the train
plunging to their death’s they go
a cold and watery death below.

© Rebecca Sanchez 2017

Most of this is jargon I found in the Glossary of North American Railways and decided it would make a colorful poem. Research and time made this poem possible. I do like to play with vintage words and jargon.

Written with dVerse~Poets Pub.

Haiku #91116 a and b


haiku #91116 a

as autumn charms
cold winds send summer scattering
’round the bend

© Rebecca Sanchez 2016


haiku #91116 b

a hole in our hearts
still on the mend

© Rebecca Sanchez 2016

bend and mend (2 weeks of prompts)

Written with Haiku Horizons and shared with Poets United.

All Lives Matter


All Lives Matter

We have a problem
a lack of control
no damn respect
it’s taking a toll.

Police should protect
uphold the peace
do the right thing
shootings must cease.

Murder in the streets
the people are scared
the unarmed killed
lawmen impaired.

Citizens taking
the law in their hands
acting like terrorists
we must take a stand.

People picking sides
prejudice must end
dividing by color
the message it sends.

There’s power in numbers
we all must unite
Americans together
protecting our rights.

All lives matter
no matter the race
whatever the color
wherever the birthplace.

An absence of conscience
we need to stop now
killing one another
we just can’t allow.

© Rebecca Sanchez 2016

Written for Poets United, dVerse~Poets Pub and Imaginary Garden Of Real Toads.